Saturday, December 24, 2005

Chanel Woodbury Store

Merry Christmas

The year 2005 is drawing to a close, 2006 is upon us. We wish you and your loved ones all the best, a happy and peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year.

we say "thank you" for your support and your confidence.

see as a small gift to end the year at the site below the free game "Space Commander Sparks' Space Racer " which hopefully will bring you some joy during the holidays:

Click here to pick up your gift!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Actresses Showing Their Hot Boobs

New Luizid experience

I have just had my second dream Luizid . This time, however, a sehr schönen, und typischerweise, wieder sehr intensiven Traum. Es ist wirklich sehr schwer zu beschreiben, aber man fühlt sich wirklich total befreit und allein für dieses Erlebnis lohnt es sich Polyphasic Sleep einmal auzuprobieren - wirklich eine interessante Erfahrung. Ich hoffe wirklich, dass sich diese Art der Träume in Zukunft noch häufen werden. Meine Grunschullehrerin hat ja immer gesagt: "Der Jochen lebt in 'ner Traumwelt" - wie recht Sie doch hatte :-)

Was etwas unangenehm war, war der Wachvorgang. Im Gegensatz zum ersten Traum wollte ich diesmal nicht aufwachen (weil's so schön war - und nein, ich erzähl nicht was ich geträumt hab und nein, es hatte nix mit Sex zu tun ;)). Dennoch war es so, dass ich auf einmal im Traum merkte: "Oh, ich wache gerade auf". Das habe ich dann versucht zu verhindern - wie, kann ich nicht beschreiben. Aber dann, ganz kurz vor dem Aufwachen, der Traum wurde unklar und verschwamm, fühlte ich mich plötzlich als ob mir jemand die Haut übers Gesicht gezogen hätte und ich ersticken würde. Dann ließ dieses Gefühl nach, und ich merkte aber noch für den Bruchteil einer Sekunde (Empfindung, wirkliche Zeitangaben sind im Traum schwer) wie mein Körper aus dem gelähmten Zustand (den man während der REM-Traumphase hat) wieder "normalisiert" wird. Ist auch am Anfang unangenehm, weil man das Gefühlt hat sich nicht bewegen zu können.

Beim Aufwachen Feels like I had it would be about 2 hours have passed and the alarm had not gone down, a glance at the clock taught me a lesson: I slept for exactly 20 minutes.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Diagram Of Men's Brazilian Wax

The first Luizid dream

Today I had my first Luizid dream. What an experience for crass. But from the beginning.

The last two awakenings I was a bit tired - I had least often in the morning stages, especially between 6 und 10 clock.

Then I went back out at 10:00 clock, fell asleep and was gone Completely restructured. Suddenly I found myself in a dream, but knew full well that I'm dreaming. It was somehow as if you were conscious, but at the same time is in the dream and can move freely. It is hard to describe, but it is true that one even though you know that you are dreaming a simultaneously all totally realistic - occurs - and intesiv.

It was not just a pleasant dream: A muscular bat (man that was over 2 meters) came up to me. He wanted to beat me. As he stood in front of me began a scramble LIGHTWEIGHT. Since I knew that I A Dream, I thought to myself that I just opened my eyes to what I did.

But now comes the most glaring: My bedroom is quite dark, only the green LED lights on your stereo slightly in the other end of the room. However, it is furniture and everything still easily recognize (but dark). I opened my eyes and saw the club stand next to my bed.

I looked up and down because I do not trust my eyes, but he was still there. Then I thought: "Shit, I still dream, can not that be so."

The whole lasted about 10 seconds while I was awake. Then he disappeared when I switched on the light.

I guess that fact that I have "use force" even woken up (you must be exhausting to have something to open the eyes), my brain had not switched over completely and I had for a short while, a kind of daydream.

Immediately after I got up bin, fühlte ich mich so fit wie selten zuvor. Wirklich eine sehr interessante Erfahrung.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

18 Years Birthday Invitations

Tips & Facts for Polyphasic Sleeper

Zunächst: Bei allen Tipps und Fakten die ich hier aufliste, handelt es sich um persönliche Einschätzungen und Erfahrungen, die ich zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt aufgrund meines Polyphasic-Experiments mache, gemacht habe.

Tipps und Fakten

  • Die Umstellung auf Polyphasic-Sleep kann nur durch Schlafentzug getätigt werden, erfordert einen starken Willen es durchzuziehen und zeitliche Flexibilität (vor allem am Anfang). 2 Wochen muß man rechnen, bevor mein einigermaßen reinkommt. Dabei gibt es viele Stunden, in denen es einem nicht besonders gut geht und man therefore it can not be particularly productive.
  • changed after the first day, the weariness into a kind of meditative state, that one thinks very much about things, it seems like before as if everything is a little bit in slow motion is visible. It is very introverted, the brain is working very slowly.
  • There are scientific claims that predict a a shorter life if you have less than 6 hours a day sleeping. It is important to note that this is because a person often suffers from lack of sleep, sleep at Polypahsic however, the sleeping habits changed so that no city will sleep. In fact it is so that there is no exact science (occupied) are facts that show why the deep sleep phases (obtained as a Polyphasic Sleeper so well no longer has) are used. But there are no long-term studies and Polyphasic Sleeper, so it is quite possible that could occur in later life problems of any kind.
  • It is interesting to remember when you wake up more of a dream (especially if one has previously recalled almost never a dream).
  • meat and greasy food should be avoided, especially to help during the adaptation phase
  • fresh squeezed fruit juices and / or lots of fruits and vegetables to strong signs of fatigue, this can auch in der Adaptionsphase von Nutzem sein
  • Sollte man in der Anfangsphase Einschlafprobleme haben helfen folgende Punkte:
    1. Ein heißes Bad bevor man sich hinlegt hilft, da die Körpertemperatur und damit der Energieverbrauch heruntergefahren wird und so schneller die Leichtschlafphase eintreten kann.
    2. Man sollte sich eine feste und fixe Schlafposition raussuchen (z.b. auf dem Rücken liegend, Arme und Beine gestreckt) und sich während dem Einschlafversuch nicht herumwälzen
  • Man sollte in den ersten Wochen definitiv alle Nickerchen einhalten, auch wenn man sich nicht müde fühlt. Hat man eines zeitlich vergessen, unmittelbar catch up and keep going after again usually (eg clock 14:00 Nap forget at 14:30 it is striking: It used to lie down and sleep again at 18:00 clock)
  • oversleeps If you order a few hours it and follow not skip a nap. If you wake up immediately before bedtime, about 30-0 minutes and then be awake to catch up.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Gay Cruise Spots In West Hollywood


go Since my last entry there with my experiment haywire. Currently, it is commercially very stressful for me: In some months you get bored almost to another, as this is really all a shock.

is of course logical that since, despite good intent, the zusätzliche Zeit nicht für Entspannung, Sport und Gesundheit sondern zum Arbeiten genutzt wird.

Lange Rede, kurzer Sinn - die meiste Zeit funktioniert meine Experiment sehr gut, aber ich fühle mich nicht mehr so gut wie z.B. früher als Monophasic Sleeper - irgendwie ausgelaugt. Das könnte natürlich zum einen an meiner neuen Schlafgewohnheit liegen oder eben daran dass ich derzeit halt etwas im Streß lebe. Die letzten Tage liefs etwa immer so, dass ich etwa 2-2,5 Tage "durchgemacht" habe (also mit den 20/30 Minuten Nickerchens dazwischen) und dann irgendwie hatte ich so von der Arbeit die Schnautze voll, dass ich mich ohne Wecker aufs Ohr lege und entspanne. Meistens wache ich dann automatisch nach ca. 20-25 Minuten wieder on, am relatively fit, but simply did not in the mood to do something, then shut his eyes again and sleep for 3-4 hours at a time. That is, the next few days I will more force you not to make the extra time with work but with beautiful things.

dreams I've gotten so good as always, sometimes simple, the few minutes I wake again be forgotten, sometimes very intense. If I have a very vivid dream for me to feel in my next wax phase much better than if I had only a slight dream or am torn by my alarm clock from a dream. Once I had a mega-nightmare. Luizid a dream I have not had before.

Saturday, December 3, 2005

Western Birthday Saying


As indicated earlier, I have the last days of my experiment, unfortunately, something must be neglected. Yesterday morning I had installed an additional sleep period of about 4 hours. After this long sleep periods, I always feel sleepy for some time a little. Last night I also slept 6.5 hours, as already mentioned, since in a previous post, I now take a longer route to my car mechanism, because of an appointment in which I can not keep my 20-minute naps. As I am

woke up this morning, it felt as if my time, that someone had stolen one day. I guess if you look over a longer period of time (I've only just begun get used to slow it) has become accustomed, and then back down it is an occurrence as if time passes at a record pace. A similar but less pronounced, experience I made today are through already.

On Tuesday next week I have another date - I know but still not sure if I can possibly set up so that I can keep my sleeping time. In any case, I will try again on Tuesday evening, my times keep consistent.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Image Full Female Brazillian Waxing

advantages and disadvantages

My sleep experiment continues to develop excellent. It's really hard to believe, but I actually feel more alert and motivated - just better - than before. The only time a day, because sometimes I get a phase of fatigue in the morning between 8:00 and 10:00 clock. Therefore, yesterday I slept from 8:30 to 9:45 clock clock. My sleep clock 10:00 I have done anyway as normal. But the other part of the day (including night) is really great. It keeps it really not possible. It's not just that I have more time than before (due to less sleep), no, I feel even fitter. Also, there is still times that I found the 20-minute Schläfechen as if I've slept a few hours - and that reinforces the sense that you suddenly have more time.

The disadvantages Of course, that the whole is somewhat inflexible, since one between each nap is only 3.5 hours and then sleep again must. And I'll put the next few days before a small problem. Today at noon I have a business meeting in which I can not keep my nap, I also have a greater distance to travel by car (there and back about 1.5 h). The same thing I have tomorrow and Saturday. In addition, next week Tuesday.

I've thought about it and I then decided to set up short-long sleep periods, simply because I do not want to risk getting as while driving in a dangerous sudden sleep episodes to fall. Other supporters of this sleep method report of sudden, severe fatigue over the whole and consequently very day, if you miss a sleep period.

allso I will try my zunäcsht clock nap 10:00 to about 13:00 clock to expand. As always, I'll report here what effect the whole of me and my experiment.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Mount And Blade Troop Hack

sleep out of habit

Slowly but surely, it begins to make fun of a "Polyphasic Sleeper" to be. The last Sunday and the following night were - as the start in the morning - just incredible. I felt consistently top fit and somehow even better than it used to my "normal" Schlfazeiten. It was an incredible feeling as if my mind had somehow entered a turbo. I had an incredible number of ideas and could work incredibly fast - my motivation curve was extremely high. By evening it was again something because I felt it quite normal. Fully there - still fighting - 24 hours a day.

The next morning, and the night was also very good, but it was more back to a normal state, ie, the "Turbo" was turned off again. I also came across another small problem: I just wanted to lie down on that day for something to read and relax. I was there top fit and not a bit tired. Suddenly I fall asleep - half an hour later I'm woken up. It seems as if my body lie down now "ready to sleep" associated even though I'm not tired. Is a bit annoying as I used to often when I had to look up and see what, just put me on the sofa or in bed have to be able to rechechieren relaxed.

This morning I happened to prompt that is the same. I got up from my sleep clock 6:00 and was immediately re-fit top. I was just thinking about it a couple of programming problems and had thought that I lie down to relax, to concentrate well may - and immediately I am eingschlafen - but this time for about 3 hours. This is really a strange Feeling because I did not notice when I fall asleep. One can imagine this to mean that you suddenly wake up and think about what happened because they have put themselves do not sleep and not tired. Dannach I was mentally back on it a little worse than before, but I think over the next two sleep periods will normalize it again. I think I have the worst behind me. Fatigue-stage, if at all, only just before the end of my waking period. That's ok, and the proof that my body has already used a good deal on my new rhythm, as he signaled to me automatically at the end of the wax phase, "Hey, it's time for your nap."

In any case, I may learn from it that I just lie still in the future may fall asleep if I want too.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Raylene Richards Trailer

I feel good .... I knew that I would

have just woken up from my sleep clock 6:00, this time until the alarm clock, but I feel great again, as has one or the other from the James Brown quote in the title certainly thought so. I feel really rested and refreshed. And I had a dream, which is a sure sign that I was in the REM phase.

It's really a small miracle: If I previously had to get up at 6:00 clock (eg for an appointment or something) and my 7-8 hours of sleep had, I felt ready in the morning as now.

Yesterday morning around 10-11 Clock I had a fatigue attack, spread some light on the day and again this morning at 5:00 clock - but they had to endure well and there was really no danger of dozing.

Here are some interesting articles that I've encountered, even if you have to do with my experiment had only limited
http: / /

Just this: The comments are unterinander sometimes very contradictory. This clearly shows how little (safe), we know about the importance of sleep. But if we really know so little about it - why should then the mono-phase bed method are better or healthier?

Friday, November 25, 2005

How To Hide Tongue Swelling

Polyphasic Sleep - Morning Magazine

Good morning! We have Saturday morning, 6:30 clock as I write these lines and I feel fit as a fiddle on Ecstacy. But one by one.

First, the night of Thursday to Friday. Actually, everything went well, I felt relatively ok and at 3:00 clock in the morning I put my body in the kitchen - my mind was a slight delay also - and me cooking a little something: scrambled eggs with onions and bacon in a lot of butter. Yummy! Then fühlte ich mich allerdings nicht mehr so lecker. Meine Aufmerksamkeit ließ schlagartig nach - an die Erfüllung meiner Aufgabenliste war nicht mehr zu denken - ich kämpfte mit eisernem Willen darum nicht im Stehen einzuschlafen. Man kann sich nicht vorstellen, wie froh ich war um 6:00 Uhr endlich meine Augen zu schließen. Ich hoffte dass es nach meinem 20-Minuten Nickerchen wieder aufwärst mit meinem Wohlbefinden geht. Fehlanzeige. Im Gegenteil, ich war fertig ohne Ende, hatte sogar leichte Koordinationsschwierigkeiten. Bis 10:00 Uhr fiel ich immer mal wieder in eine Art Sekundenschlaf - vergleichbar wenn man übermüdet Auto fährt. Bei meinem nächsten Schlafzyklus verpennte ich glatt um 1,5 Stunden. Danach ging es etwas besser, was still tired.


I strongly suspect that the fatigue was definitely caused by my midnight snack. Many "experts" in the field of polyphase sleepers report that they are as healthy as possible, to feed with little meat and little fat. You should also take their meals as possible immediately before the next sleep cycle. Because I've not really kept me so far - and the scrambled egg dripping with grease. I made first thought, when really deteriorated rapidly as a button after the meal my state of mind. I would like to note in the future. What can

ich noch weiter tun um gegen das Verschlafen vorzubeugen. Ich verwende immerhin schon drei Wecker. Und da liegt das Problem. Jeder Wecker klingelt ne Minute und dann hören diese selbständig auf. Da kann ja keiner aufwachen, deswegen habe ich mir eine clevere Lösung überlegt, die sich den Umstand zu nutze macht, daß ich meinen Computer in der Nähe meines Bettes stehen habe (etwa 10 Meter entfernt):

Ich habe schlichtweg ein ganz kleines Programm geschrieben. Man stellt einfach einen Countdown ein, z.B. 20 Minuten, wählt eine Musikdatei aus, dreht die Lautsprecher auf und drückt Start. Nach 20 Minuten wird automatisch begonnen, die ausgewählte Audiodatei ganz leise abzuspielen. Innerhalb einer Minute wird die Lautstärke turned up to maximum. And I can say - depending on the boxes can be tremendously loud. The second advantage is that the audio track is repeated endlessly until I to PC the appropriate key combination to stop giving. (In the event that the tool can still be useful for someone, it can be downloaded here: - but nothing really big!)

Only a small Note by the way: because I am often cold - especially right after waking up, I got used my clothes before I lie down to put on a radiator, so that when I dressed nice again cuddly warm. This is also standing up nochmal um einiges leichter. Das man desöfteren friert während der Adaptionsphasen deckt sich mit anderen Erfahrungsberichten.

Wohlbefinden steigt

Im Laufe des Tage, vor allem gegen Abend stieg mein Wohlbefinden wieder an. Ich hatte Nachmittags und Abends je eine zusätzlichen Schlafphasen von je 20 Minuten eingebaut. War eigentlich nicht nötig, aber ich wollte dann doch etwas vorbeugen, denn so wie gestern Morgen möchte ich mich nie wieder fühlen.

Abends um 20:30 Uhr traf ich mich mit einem guten Freund in einer Kneipe, um ein bisschen über deutsche Politker herzuziehen. Außerdem habe ich einen feinen Salat gegessen. Um 22:00 Uhr verließ ich kurz die Kneipe, ging sleep, and it was really good to me then we went to Freudenstadt in a dance hall. Really was a beautiful evening. I was so about home today at 2:30 clock tomorrow, and then took my then sleep phase clock for 2:00 for half an hour later. After that I was fairly fit, and I was able to make an important order for a customer to finish. At 6:00

clock I went again on the ear. Exactly 13 minutes later I am (before the alarm) woke up and I must say that I have during the whole experiment has not felt so good as at the moment. So it can go. It really is incredible to me how to become so with only 13 minutes of sleep, at a stroke can relax. Of a dream I can not remember, a few vereinzelnte, meaningless pictures - nothing else.

So, I now make me a breakfast tea and then I'll go to the post. Make up at eight or nine ...?

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Islamic Wedding Greeting Message

changing a wheel at night

Yesterday I overslept again tomorrow for about 2 hours. I therefore now consequences

  1. As of now I only sleep on the sofa, and no longer in my bed. The sofa is uncomfortable and is easier for me to get up.
  2. my three alarm clocks I will not sleep right next to my body position but distributed throughout the room. So I am forced to get up when I turn off this I would like to
  3. reduce my work on the computer much at night, as this contributes to the eyes tire more quickly.
  4. I create in front of me every night by a plan of activities, which I divide into 3 categories, and perform on the night when I a) relatively fit, am b) mild fatigue have and c) severe fatigue have
The above points do I Now since yesterday morning at 10:00 of clock. For a conclusion, it is too early, but here are the first impressions:

to sleep on the sofa works, and even if I'm tired, I'm quick on my feet. The crappy thing is simple crazy uncomfortable because no one wants to stay in bed. The alarm clock do the rest. Negative side effect: At the time I got a cramp in my thighs, which is possibly due to my sleeping units on the (uncomfortable) bed.

What have I driven night? As planned, I had a list created with various non-computer activities.

Today I installed in my night (illuminated) garage winter tires on my car. Too bad that by the time in our rural area, no one rumirrt would certainly have been funny, do people think will change if such a lunatic in the middle of the night his wheels.

When I later in the night light müde wurde, habe ich mich eine Stunde auf den Fahrrad-Heimtrainer gesetzt und hab (sehr gemütlich) in die Pedale getreten. Das war wirklich interessant. Als ich anfing war ich relativ müde, und schon nach wenigen Minuten, hatte ich das Schlafgefühl verdrängt. Auch nach der Stunde (mit mehreren kleinen Pausen dazwischen) fühlte ich mich richtig gut - muß ich mir definitiv merken.

Außerdem habe ich mir mal wieder Spagetthi mit einer Tomantesoße gekocht. Ich hatte zwar nicht viel Hunger, aber es hat Spaß gemacht und die Zeit geht beim Kochen schnell rum und müde wird man auch nicht.

Außerdem habe ich an einigen Spielekonzepten gearbeitet. Ganz klassisch! Offline - mit Bleistift und Paper!

I think it is much easier for little sleep when you have to do that consistently. Therefore I would like to continue with the the next few days.

What I have not yet implemented on my list is a nocturnal walk, for which I had scheduled an hour. I think I will make him, if I sleep on my 6:00 clock unit (which I assume the same) again wake up. Although I definitely want another deep do at night. Is in fact determined pretty scary - and if adrenaline is pumped into my blood, I have not sleep :-)

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Gay Crusing In Calcutta


"Oversleeping" - as the Polyphasic Sleeper you in their stages of sleep not by the target by 20-30 minutes sleep but wake up. As already mentioned, especially in the adaptation phase is very detrimental, because the body is not forced by the REM sleep phase so far to "pull" the front so that it reaches you immediately after the Einfschlafen.

Immediately after my last post 18 from November is the entire continuously happened to me and totally unexpected. When I went to bed at 6:00 clock, I was still mentally in good shape. When I wake up about 8:30 clock everything was different - worse! I felt the eyes often hurt much, I had an extremely strong desire to crawl into my cozy bed at last, and sleep as long as I wanted, I felt me weak. I tried against the desire to fight my body and I believe I have never felt so tired in my life. It came as it had. On Saturday and on Sunday I slept again and again, the alarm is not easy. On Sunday I had slept through this clock at night from 4:00 to 10:00 clock.

me I had to think of something. That there are not that I really like is easier to start and I now have such problems. An additional comparison must be here! Also, I have decided once again more fruits, fruit juices and salads to take to me, as in the first days. I had eaten the last days of high fat, which is particularly problematic in the adaptation phase probably ist.

Zum Glück habe ich es daraufhin wieder relativ gut in den Griff bekommen. Die meiste Zeit bin ich sehr fit und fühle mich gut, hin und wieder habe ich eine Wachphase wo ich sehr müde bin, aber es ist durchaus auszuhalten. Ich hab mir außerdem vorgenommen, dass ich versuche nur noch die offizellen "Zeiten" zu schlafen, d.h. auch bei Müdigkeit keine zusätzlichen "Nickerchen" einzubauen (z.B. um 4:00 Uhr morgens). Mal sehen, ob das besser funktioniert. Ich habe nämlich gelesen, dass die 4-Stunden-Zyklus-Regelung irgendwie mit der inneren biologischen Uhr abgestimmt sein soll, deswegen soll dieser Zyklus besser als andere funktionieren.

Gleichzeitg bin ich auf weitere englischsprachige Weblogs encountered by people who are trying out Polyphasic Sleep itself. For most, it seems to work quite well for a few very well and it makes for more than 90 days and still feels bombard every day - should I go that way, I will not drag the show determined by 90 days. But for a start I let my favor - is only logical that the body can not move from today to tomorrow, where he had been almost his entire life used to it.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Pattycake Online åictures

lucid dreams

I'm surprised how well I've got back to my "polyphase rhythm" of the last week. This is the second night and so far I have no problems, my Sleeping times observed.

As I watch, of course, during my experiment, the results others polyphase sleeper, I would write something today about lucid dreams. This is a special kind of dream that will occur in advanced stages (after about three to four weeks, when the body gets used to 100% of the new sleep times).

What are lucid dreams?

are short, the dreams in which one is clear that you are dreaming at the moment. If one grabs during a dream that realization is one of the world appear real and we can consciously control the dream action . Some describe People that you feel so real dreams yet the reality, which may appear very strange. Many describe in lucid dreams as they fly through the air and this is perceived as a breathtaking experience.

Personally, I can not remember ever having had such an experience and I'm really curious if something will be set in this way during the experiment with me.

During my 20-minute sleep cycle, I can not for the most part remember to have dreamed, what should be a sign that I have not yet reached the stage of falling directly into REM sleep (indeed, still a little early to of interruption). Sometimes I'm single, weird images in my head when I wake up, but nothing that could be described as a dream. Because of this, it surprised me a bit that I can currently relatively fit and relaxed through the day, although I sleep only 3 hours and have reached the REM sleep is not yet clear. But perhaps I am indeed currently in a kind of frontier stage.

Kidney Stones And Peritoneal Cancer

Back 2 life

my health has improved again. The only thing that still bothers me is that nasty cold. But, I can live with, and therefore I have again my polyphase rhythm sleep since yesterday (Wednesday) at 14:00 noon applied clock. I was very pleased about the fact that I do all the Night did not have to struggle with nearly fatigue. And even now feel at half past nine clock in the morning I'm still relatively fit.

I would like to believe that I was thrown back at all the disruption in my personal experiment and I can seamlessly continue where I left off Sunday night, but not so lucky I'll probably have. So I expect the next few hours, or no later than the next night with a strong yawning on my part and with a renewed struggle against sleepiness.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

What Does A New Scamp Trailer Cost


Unfortunately, I got on Sunday night, very sore throat and fever. But I think that there is nothing with my new sleeping habit tun hat, da letzte Woche schon meine gesamte Familie von dieser Grippe heimgesucht wurde (ich hab noch rumgealbert: "Ich schlaf nicht und hab ein besseres Abwehrsystem!").

Dennoch werde ich für den Zeitraum meiner Krankheit, mein Schlaf-Experiment leider unterbrechen müssen. Ich werde meine 20 Minuten Zyklen einhalten, aber zusätzlich noch längere Schlafphasen einführen wenn mein Körper das verlangt, um so schnell wie möglich wieder gesund zu werden. Evtl. fällt mir so auch die spätere Umstellung wieder leichter. Schaden, kann es ja nicht!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

New Born Funny Baby Messages

Whimsical changes

Nach fast einer Woche kann ich berichten, dass sich meine Nahrungsaufnahme nicht besonders gewandelt hat. Hin und wieder habe ich eat some fruit to eat at night, and sometimes even had breakfast, but at lunch I had the impression even less than before, but always something in between fruit This is certainly a good thing for me my body, absence of vitamins, which he usually self- produced out, can.

I drink even more aware than before. This alcohol and coffee is absolutely taboo. Even in the smallest quantities I avoid it! Mostly I drink water and fruit juices.

I note the fact that I must go to the toilet more often, yes, but what is really just logical.

Something else unusual thing I noticed is my beard. Normalerweise muss ich mich spätestens alle 2 Tage rassieren um nicht wie ein Bär auszusehen. Doch nun scheint er viel langsamer als früher zu wachsen? Wächst der Bart, oder sogar die Haare im Allgemeinen, also während dem Schlaf? Wenn ein Leser dazu Informationen hat würde ich mich sehr darüber freuen.

Am Samstag hatte ich leichte Kopfschmerzen, was eigentlich eher untypish für mich ist. Ich vermute mal, dadurch dass ich Freitag-Nacht zuviele Stunden durchgeschlafen habe, kamm mein Körper vollends durcheinander. Aber könnte auch sein, dass diese durch etwas anderes hervorgerufen wurden.

Ich stelle auch fest, dass sich einiges an meinen Ansichten ändert. Früher nahm ich mir für viele Dinge nur wenig oder keine Zeit, das hat sich in den letzten zwei Tagen gewandelt. Selbst wenn ich eine wichtige und eilige Arbeit zu erledigen hatte, habe ich es nicht wie sonst schnellstmöglichst, ohne Pause durchgezogen, sondern bin gelassen herangegangen und hab Pausen mit Spaziergängen eingelegt.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Places To Get Dressses

The Show Must Go On ...

Trotz des derben Rückschlags beschloss ich das Experiment fortzuführen. Ich begann zu Überlegen warum es wohl in der letzten Nacht so extrem gescheitert ist. Fact ist, dass ich immer noch sehr ruckartig aus meinen Schlafphasen gerüttelt wurde, und das macht es natürlich auch einfach zu verschlafen, wenn man tief schläft. Logisch! Aber wie konnte ich das ändern?

Nach allem I know so far the body falls first in the light sleep, then into deep sleep and then into REM sleep. I suspect, therefore, that my body after 30 minutes is already in deep sleep, so I get up is so hard, so I slept well then. So I decide to cycle to 20 minutes reduced. At first I deliberately chose 30 minutes because I thought that it was probably easier to start a little more sleep have. If I find myself after 20 minutes in light sleep, it would still hear the alarm clock to wake up and no problem.

In return, I would appeal for several sleep stages, particularly at night, and into the morning hours. The

I have made. Unfortunately, I have the most stages only gedönst - similar to the first day. The night before, had unfortunately quite confused.

All day I felt very good. I suspect the change to 20 minutes was a wise decision, even in the early stages schiwerigen night and morning, I woke up very easily and felt good right away.

The night I brought around easily, without much fatigue.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Clip Art Inside Large Department Store

biggest setback

The Friday went well, as expected. I felt even able to sit back in the car and go shopping.

I heard on the radio that there is a change in the law bzgl. der Ladenöffnungszeit geben solle, nachdem zukünftig die Länder darüber entscheiden dürfen, wie lange die Geschäfte geöffnet haben. Da dachte ich nur: "Spitze, 24 Stunden Ladenöffnungszeiten! Dann kann ich immer Nachts Großeinkauf machen!". Kurzum - ich war gut drauf und langsam begann das Experiment mir Spaß zu machen.

Am Abend traf ich mich mit einigen Freunden um auszugehen. Dazwischen um 22:00 Uhr bin ich kurz nach Hause gefahren um meinen Schlafzyklus einzuhalten und um eine halbe Stunde später wieder zurückzukommen. Als sie von meinem Selbstversuch erfuhren, reagierten alle sehr interessiert, äußerten aber auch ihre Bedenken bzgl. Gesundheitlicher beeinträchtigung. Gegen 0:00 Uhr verabschiedeten wir uns, was mir selbst wieder sehr surreal erschien. Weshalb? Alle wünschten sich gegenseitig eine gute Nacht und während die anderen nach Hause in Ihr Bett krochen, packte ich mein neues Mikrofon aus, das heute mit der Post gekommen war um es in meinem kleinen Home-Studio an den PC anzuschließen und zu testen.

Ich fühlte mich, also ob ich etwa 85% meiner alten Leistungsfähigkeit erreicht hätte.

Um 2:00 Uhr war ich eigentlich nicht sehr müde. Doch hier geschah für mich das unerwartete. Durchgeschlafen bis 7:30 Uhr. Das glich für mich am nächsten Tag einer mittleren Katastrophe. Bedeutet dies das Aus? Ich wußte, daß es für mich extrem hart would be again at having to endure the previous "nights of sleepless horror" about me.

It was a little strange, I had made a total of 3 alarm clock. I have introduced, after I had slept through the first time. When I woke up I found that all were disabled. That means I'm probably woke up the rattle, you've turned off and I continued to sleep. But it's inside me I can not.