"Oversleeping" - as the Polyphasic Sleeper you in their stages of sleep not by the target by 20-30 minutes sleep but wake up. As already mentioned, especially in the adaptation phase is very detrimental, because the body is not forced by the REM sleep phase so far to "pull" the front so that it reaches you immediately after the Einfschlafen.
Immediately after my last post 18 from November is the entire continuously happened to me and totally unexpected. When I went to bed at 6:00 clock, I was still mentally in good shape. When I wake up about 8:30 clock everything was different - worse! I felt the eyes often hurt much, I had an extremely strong desire to crawl into my cozy bed at last, and sleep as long as I wanted, I felt me weak. I tried against the desire to fight my body and I believe I have never felt so tired in my life. It came as it had. On Saturday and on Sunday I slept again and again, the alarm is not easy. On Sunday I had slept through this clock at night from 4:00 to 10:00 clock.
me I had to think of something. That there are not that I really like is easier to start and I now have such problems. An additional comparison must be here! Also, I have decided once again more fruits, fruit juices and salads to take to me, as in the first days. I had eaten the last days of high fat, which is particularly problematic in the adaptation phase probably ist.
Zum Glück habe ich es daraufhin wieder relativ gut in den Griff bekommen. Die meiste Zeit bin ich sehr fit und fühle mich gut, hin und wieder habe ich eine Wachphase wo ich sehr müde bin, aber es ist durchaus auszuhalten. Ich hab mir außerdem vorgenommen, dass ich versuche nur noch die offizellen "Zeiten" zu schlafen, d.h. auch bei Müdigkeit keine zusätzlichen "Nickerchen" einzubauen (z.B. um 4:00 Uhr morgens). Mal sehen, ob das besser funktioniert. Ich habe nämlich gelesen, dass die 4-Stunden-Zyklus-Regelung irgendwie mit der inneren biologischen Uhr abgestimmt sein soll, deswegen soll dieser Zyklus besser als andere funktionieren.
Gleichzeitg bin ich auf weitere englischsprachige Weblogs encountered by people who are trying out Polyphasic Sleep itself. For most, it seems to work quite well for a few very well and it makes for more than 90 days and still feels bombard every day - should I go that way, I will not drag the show determined by 90 days. But for a start I let my favor - is only logical that the body can not move from today to tomorrow, where he had been almost his entire life used to it.
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