The Show Must Go On ...
Trotz des derben Rückschlags beschloss ich das Experiment fortzuführen. Ich begann zu Überlegen warum es wohl in der letzten Nacht so extrem gescheitert ist. Fact ist, dass ich immer noch sehr ruckartig aus meinen Schlafphasen gerüttelt wurde, und das macht es natürlich auch einfach zu verschlafen, wenn man tief schläft. Logisch! Aber wie konnte ich das ändern?
Nach allem I know so far the body falls first in the light sleep, then into deep sleep and then into REM sleep. I suspect, therefore, that my body after 30 minutes is already in deep sleep, so I get up is so hard, so I slept well then. So I decide to cycle to 20 minutes reduced. At first I deliberately chose 30 minutes because I thought that it was probably easier to start a little more sleep have. If I find myself after 20 minutes in light sleep, it would still hear the alarm clock to wake up and no problem.
In return, I would appeal for several sleep stages, particularly at night, and into the morning hours. The
I have made. Unfortunately, I have the most stages only gedönst - similar to the first day. The night before, had unfortunately quite confused.
All day I felt very good. I suspect the change to 20 minutes was a wise decision, even in the early stages schiwerigen night and morning, I woke up very easily and felt good right away.
The night I brought around easily, without much fatigue.
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