two months break Send Marc is there are over
Kaum zu glauben, dass es wirklich 2 Monate her ist, dass ich hier was gepostet habe. Die Zeit vergeht hier einfach zu schnell. Jeden Tag stehe ich mit einem Grinsen auf und freue mich noch einen weiteren Tag hier verbringen zu dürfen. Natürlich würde ich glücklich sein, wenn ihr alle mit hier wäret. Aber man kann halt nicht alles haben.
Also mal überlegen, was ich so in der ganzen letzten Zeit gemacht habe:
In der Zeit wo
Marc da war kam nach einer Woche noch der
Gerrit hinzu. So haben wir uns aufgemacht, die Stadt zu dritt unsicher zu machen. Gerrit hatte zwar etwas mit der Stadt zu fight, but in the end, the two got on well.
It was definitely very nice time to do it again what with people from home. The whole was topped only by a few days later, my sweetness flown here.
The time with Maike was just wonderful and it was breathtaking to see them finally after three months.
Thanks again for the nice time.
Otherwise I've just lived my life here. I still work very much and - oh my gosh - I like it. I always meet new people. Go out as much as it gets. Just try to keep as much as possible to experience
. And as already mentioned a thousand times, is that in the crazy city is also not very heavy. For a few weeks here is the summer has returned and we have consistently 30 degrees Celsius or more. Such temperatures are in this city are not always pleasant, but we go to the beach or stop times leaves the city. So I was driving last weekend, for example, with a few people to
Boston to even buy something else to explore in the area. Result was a remarkable and merry trip to New York in a pleasant Verhältissen small town.
I notice in any case, just that I often write back what was so that the whole experience not miss out. Just look at the photos on the page, then you at least get a glimpse of what I experience here.
to the next, and "unfortunately" well past 12 weeks. I think of you.