Sunday, June 17, 2007

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The Mustang tamed

This weekend and I have Rouven us a little American dream and we rented a Mustang convertible .
We have opened the country to explore a little. We drove up the coast to the north-east, and have thereby set back more than 800 km. The aim was to Cape Cod to arrive, a small peninsula south of Boston. Unfortunately, we have managed only to Newport, MA and then have a loop and are turned over Providence, RI moved back to NYC.
We are past the nice beaches, beautiful countryside and through some amusing Hinterwald kArms down. And I've managed to get me the police with lights flashing, pursued by me in the middle of nowhere to pull off the road. I was in a deep voice pointed out that I'm just 23 mp / h (37 mph) driving too fast. Since I was a bit of ass to happen. After my data was spotted and we had chatted briefly, but the officer asked me only, but to drive slower and I finally ewas smear some sun cream on the skin. What was already too late at this time. Right - damn lucky that I have fallen to a really nice policeman that I had but dared not yet to ask if I can make a photo of us both. The entire trip
was really fantastic and Rouven and I were happy all the time like little children who have received a new toy gift.
What can I say, I LOVE THIS CAR!

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Summer Stage & Turntables on the Hudson

Last weekend was opened in the Summer Stage in Central Park. An outdoor stage will be held on the mostly free concerts. As the first main Act to the (charged) opening concert brought the people at Common truly summer temperatures up to speed This was followed by a performance by Joss Stone. What initially started a little weak, but in the course of the evening was getting better and electrifying.
This concert brought in damn good mood, I went to a few people on to a beach party in Queens, right on the Waterfrond with a breathtaking view of the misty skyline on New York.
The party was one of the series "Turn Tables on he Hudson," which is always at a different location and constantly integrating other styles of music. That evening she was mainly characterized by percussion, bongo and electric sound. Just a perfect blend of cool place, great music, and damn nice people. This also requires the Sahnehäupchen from human price of admission and drinks.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

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two months break Send Marc is there are over

Kaum zu glauben, dass es wirklich 2 Monate her ist, dass ich hier was gepostet habe. Die Zeit vergeht hier einfach zu schnell. Jeden Tag stehe ich mit einem Grinsen auf und freue mich noch einen weiteren Tag hier verbringen zu dürfen. Natürlich würde ich glücklich sein, wenn ihr alle mit hier wäret. Aber man kann halt nicht alles haben.
Also mal überlegen, was ich so in der ganzen letzten Zeit gemacht habe:
In der Zeit wo Marc da war kam nach einer Woche noch der Gerrit hinzu. So haben wir uns aufgemacht, die Stadt zu dritt unsicher zu machen. Gerrit hatte zwar etwas mit der Stadt zu fight, but in the end, the two got on well.
It was definitely very nice time to do it again what with people from home. The whole was topped only by a few days later, my sweetness flown here. The time with Maike was just wonderful and it was breathtaking to see them finally after three months.
Thanks again for the nice time.
Otherwise I've just lived my life here. I still work very much and - oh my gosh - I like it. I always meet new people. Go out as much as it gets. Just try to keep as much as possible to experience . And as already mentioned a thousand times, is that in the crazy city is also not very heavy. For a few weeks here is the summer has returned and we have consistently 30 degrees Celsius or more. Such temperatures are in this city are not always pleasant, but we go to the beach or stop times leaves the city. So I was driving last weekend, for example, with a few people to Boston to even buy something else to explore in the area. Result was a remarkable and merry trip to New York in a pleasant Verhältissen small town.
I notice in any case, just that I often write back what was so that the whole experience not miss out. Just look at the photos on the page, then you at least get a glimpse of what I experience here.
to the next, and "unfortunately" well past 12 weeks. I think of you.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

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On Friday Marc has arrived. Since he has landed at the Newark Airport, it was almost an adventure to pick him up - and for both. But after some time we have managed to make us almost by chance at the station in Newark. The joy was great. Our reunion we have then only with a couple of 24oz beers poured, as we both do not more were all too fresh. On Saturday we went shopping first as two girls, overall, we were probably around five hours in some shops and dwollten we actually have independent party to West Brooklyn, where a few artists organized a big party in a loft to a Fabrikgebaeudes. Unfortunately, we have made no progress, but to drink in the East Village a couple of vodka, then abzustuerzen completely in Queens at the UN Friends of Basti. When we clock at ten the next morning arrived back at home, the joy was not too great, because I realized that I should help by two again at a parade. So have I dragged Marc and after three hours of sleep in the East Village in order to couches and all sorts of other stuff to tow the fifth floor. Here I was also told that I had mitgekauft weeks ago, tickets to a Public Enemy concert. Damn - so it went for a little refreshment in a German restaurant around the corner completely destroyed on the Public Enemy concert in Manhattan. What was pretty cool actually. Except that I had to swallow four hours waiting for the old-school rap and the grandfather in an almost comatose state. had been heated

After the X-Clan with Big Shug people first, finally came Public Enemy. Flavor Flav has always drawn see anything done, but he and Chuck D are just super cool and it has really Of fun to sit and watch them - which was simply nothing else there.
The weekend I feel even today - on Tuesday. Marc and I will definitely still have some fun here and Thursday is also still to Gerrit - which is a celebration!

Friday, March 2, 2007

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My new home is apparently the Madison Square Garden. Since hockey seems to strain the most popular sport, I have before me the play-offs rather worried again a ticket. In addition, we also do not know how long Jaromir Jagr can still stand up.
What struck me most during this visit, is probably the fact that the common hockey fan probably on average about 30kg more important than the common basketball fan. So many monsters I have long not seen in a heap.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

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Of course I celebrated my birthday. So have many thanks to all who celebrated with me and congratulated me of home. I was very pleased with everything.

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The NY Knicks

gifts I've given a few tickets for the NY Knicks and luckily they took me. It was a huge spectacle.
The whole thing was so cool that I had immediately decided to go again to me Shaquille O'Neal Miami Heat's and to look at. In this highly exciting Knicks almost won the game against the defending champion.
Now only come with the Mavs Dirk, I am completely happy.

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Why so long as nothing new? can

I'm sorry that I have been silent for so long. It's not that I have seen nothing, but I just had no time to post something. Last Saturday is my sister gifts arrived here and we just have a lot done. For example, we have celebrated our birthdays are gone off the evening, have sightseeing done and celebrated Chinese New Year and so on. All this you can look at you on the homepage .

Thanks for the great week Sis.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

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A month has come and gone

During the week I held back this time a bit more.
I have to save, yes. The work was okay and I always learn more.
weekend we have it again but really let rip. On Friday we were
in Pre: Post and on Saturday we celebrated the birthday of Chris in the Lotus . I would have loved to have gone somewhere else to learn something new, but you have to add so the wishes of the birthday child.
day I'm on my own in through Lower Manhattan striped and had myself fascinated by this city again. I could not stop to walk around, since at jeder Ecke wieder was cooles und neues entdeckt. Einfach der Hammer. Dafür wurde ich dann auch noch mit einem wunderschönen Sonnenuntergang in der Nähe der Freiheitsstatue belohnt.

Jetzt ist mein erster Monat hier rum und ich habe mich prächtig eingelebt. Die Zeit hier wird eine riesen Erfahrung für mich und es läuft einfach bestens. Jeder Tag ist ein Geschenk auch wenn ich dafür hart arbeiten muss.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

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Super Bowl Sunday

Nach einer durchgezechten Nacht haben wir uns dann am Sonntag ins Stout geschleppt, um uns den Superbowl anzuschauen. Wir konnten uns es einfach nicht entgehenlassen, dieses amerikanische Riesenereignis zuhause zu gucken. Das Spiel begann zunächst auch weltklasse, baute dann aber during the second half strongly. Or was it our bodies?

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In Lotus you can not just eat

The Lotus is a restaurant and the evening turns into night to a club. Do not ask me how this works, but it works. On Tuesday I had been there a few tickets left, but the Saturday was one more. After the face, clothes and credit were audited, an inlet was granted in a very enjoyable means of club.

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Da Bronx

On Saturday I made with my people from work a little sightseeing, and for that we are out in the Bronx - Very interesting. Conclusion: Pretty scary.

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hard (expensive) week

First, I apologize that I have nothing for so long heard from me. But last week was a little - how shall I say it - hard. Of course I had to work a lot and then I almost every night gone off. Either to say goodbye to someone or receive. Here's go eat, even in NEN pub and and and. And already, the week was over and all my money. You want an example of these costly activities - farewell dinner by Stephan nine of the Lotus = I will indeed complain not at all, but then you must also state containing not too much time to tell you something.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

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Crobar - Wonderful

Saturday we have a party really - and unfortunately the departure of Susan and Stephen. What can I say, I will miss you really really Dolle. Sounds funny, after two weeks - but what are you so cool?

So we went to Crobar - one of the most famous clubs in NYC.
Fieser Admission - extremely expensive fuel - mainly electromusic loud - a lot of people - a lot of fun!
Thank you for this awesome hours and no matter who visit me come - here we can go celebrate!

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Jersey Hold'em

The week is about nothing much happens except that I hold much much much work. Aber anscheinend so gut, dass mir gleich die erste Vertragsverlängerung angeboten wurde.

Am Freitag haben wir uns dann abends bei Hendrik und Stephan (meine Kollegen) zum Pokern getroffen. Danke für die Kohle Jungs! Ich weiß Hendrik - du bist der King.

Eine Erfahrung habe ich in dieser Nacht noch gemacht - Es kann verdammt übel sein müde und betrunken in New York Subway zu fahren. Habe glatt mal drei Stunden nach Hause gebraucht und mehrere Endstationen kennengelernt, da ich andauernd eingepennt bin.
So, don't drink and drive!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Blades Or Studs For Rugby

Any given sunday

Nach einer Woche habe ich mich dem amerikanischen way of life schon so sehr angepasst,
dass ich den ganzen Sonntag vorm Fernseher verbracht habe und mir das NFC Finale der NFL reingezogen habe. Die Chicago Bears haben gewonnen und somit zieht der erste afro-amerikanische Coach in den Super Bowl ein - who cares? - Die Amis! Tut mir leid für diesen Post aber es ist wie es ist - any given sunday.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Who Is Bigger, Maxi Mounds Or Chelsea Charms?

Night Life - First try

Gestern Nacht war ich das erste Mal im Nachtleben unterwegs. Eigentlich war ich viel zu sehr kaputt um loszuziehen, doch ich wollte nicht an meinen ersten Freitagabend alleine zu hause abhängen.
Vier meiner Kollegen, meine Mitbewohnerin und ich sind also in die Lower Eastside und haben uns ein paar Bars angeschaut.
Even if it's not the coolest of all bars in town, we had a lot of fun - and I was really crowded at the end again, and my purse empty of course. Thus, the runs here.

It definitely feels good when you're traveling, you just have to learn to be able to assess the drinks correctly because the mix here, but sometimes quite a lot of fuel in the drinks.
Cool, was that, as we had to leave at four in the last bar, right at once and it was winter, snow was beautiful - perfect.

Friday, January 19, 2007

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The first (working) week to

did it the first week is over. It was sehr interessant aber auch sehr anstrengend. Ich habe viel gelernt und werde hier zum businessman schlechthin.
Erfreulich war, dass ich heute meinen ersten paycheck bekommen habe.

Beinahe wäre heute etwas schreckliches passiert. Hätte ich nicht dieses Schild an unserem Getränkeautomaten entdeckt

Ansonsten gibt es erstmal nichts Neues von der
Fashion Avenue.

Außer das ich heute mal losziehen werde, um mir das Nachtleben in NYC reinzuziehen.