Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Difference Between Ide,scsi Cable

Experiment ended

Da ich in letzter Zeit vermehrt E-Mail Anfragen erhalten habe, ob mein Weblog nicht mehr aktuallisiert wird, hier endlich ein neuer - vorerst abschließender - Eintrag:

Ich habe das Experiment an Weihnachten beendet!

Die Umstellung zurück war eigentlich sehr leicht während der Feiertage. Ich habe die erste Nacht durchgemacht ohne meine Schlafzeiten einzuhalten (da wir ausgegangen waren). Ich habe dann bis in den Mittag hinein ausgeschlafen, am nächsten Tag hatte ich wieder ein geregeltes monophases Schlafverhalten (Nachts zwischen 6-8 Stunden).

Anfangs fühlte ich mich - trotz 7 oder 8 Stunden Schlaf in der Nacht - sehr müde und bin auch hin und wieder bei meinen ersten Einschlafversuchen insinktiv woke after about 30 minutes. But after about 4-5 days I had found back easily to my old sleeping habits.

However, some things have changed for me (whether these changes are long term, I currently can not judge):

1) I am without any problems usually in the morning between 5 und 8 to clock, without using an alarm clock and I am very quickly fit. I used to clear the riser or morning muffle type.

2) I remember mostly to one or more dreams that night I had what I like very much (even if you usually do not make sense)

3) The other day I even had my 3th Luizid dream. Very long and intense. I tried to fly, which I succeeded in some cases, but I could not always control one hundred percent. I've often fallen and had to again focus on ensuring that I am gaining altitude.

4) I have to make lunch now and then the desire for a nap. I then put down for 30 minutes and then again feel full of strength and energy.


For me personally, the experiment represents an interesting experience, even from a psychological point of view - that the first incredible is attainable.

I have (and the readers of this blog) have shown that the short term indeed possible sleep habits should be reversed so that one day with 2-3 hours of sleep manages. The main problem (why I stopped the experiment as well) is that when one is restated: What do you do with his time? It may sound crazy - but at some point to go one's ideas of what you spend the whole night long (especially if you live in the village) to make. That is, if the next time I change back (and I will definitely make again, next time for an even longer period), I'm going to make a detailed plan of how I would make my life everyday.